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14 Misconceptions About Pregnancy

Posted by admin on March 20, 2016

pregnancy misconceptions

14 Misconceptions of Pregnancy

There are so many misconceptions floating around about pregnancy these days.  From what you should eat to what you shouldn’t, the opinions vary based on whatever the concern of the day is.  Here are some common misconceptions, however, always check with your doctor before changing anything.

#1 -When pregnant, mommy-to-be should be eating for two!

One of the greatest myths of pregnancy is that now you should be eating for two.  It is true that an increase in calories are needed, but not what you think.

First trimester: there is no increase needed in the amount of calories.  But you should eat a healthy balanced diet high in nutrients to help keep up and maintain your energy.

Second trimester: you need to increase your calories by approximately 300 calories/day.  This works out to be about 2 glasses of milk and a bowl of oatmeal.

Third trimester: you need to increase your daily calories by approx. 450 calories

If you are carrying multiplies, then you need to increase calories by approx. 300 calories per baby

#2 -While pregnant, you cannot eat cheese!

Thankfully this is a myth.  For the most part all hard cheeses, such as Cheddar, Mozzarella and Swiss are considered safe to eat.  But you should be cautious with soft cheeses such as Brie, Camembert and mold ripened cheeses.  Soft cheeses made with unpasteurized milk can be infected with a bacteria called listeria.  Listeria bacteria causes an illness called listeriosis, a flu-like illness that can be very harmful to your unborn baby. This infection can cause serious health problems, miscarriage or even death of the baby during birth.  So make sure it says made with pasteurized milk ingredients to be on the safe side.

#3 - It is not safe to have sex during pregnancy!

False false false! As long as you have a normal pregnancy and your doctor says it is safe for you to have sex while you are pregnant, then go ahead.  First make sure to talk to your doctor that you are having a normal pregnancy and there is no risk to continue to have sex during your pregnancy.

#4-Spicy foods cause labor!

There is no scientific evidence that spicy foods can cause you to go into labor.  There is speculation that eating spicy foods can cause your digestion system to become irritated and cause your uterus to contract, but it is just speculation.  Many women eat spicy foods every day and have full term pregnancies. 

#5-Eating soft ice cream is completely safe!

This misconception is both true and false.  Eating soft ice cream is safe as long as is it made with pasteurized milk.  The concern comes from the dispensing machines where the soft ice cream is stored and dispensed.  If they are not properly cleaned, listeria bacteria can grow in the machine being transferred to your ice cream.  Listeria bacteria can be very harmful to your baby, even causing death.  Be on the safe side and avoid soft ice cream until after your pregnancy.

#6-Absolutely no caffeine during pregnancy!

This misconception is false.  You can still enjoy your coffee, tea, chocolate and so on, but you need to watch the amount of caffeine you are consuming.  It is recommended not to consume more than 200mg of caffeine per day.  Studies have shown consuming more than 200mg per day increases your chances of miscarriage. 

#7-Having a hot bath or shower is a relaxing idea!

It is fine to have a warm shower or bath, but you want to avoid anything that will raise your body temperature above 102 degrees.  This includes hot tubs, saunas, or anything that increases your body temperature.  Increasing your body temperature above 102 degrees also increases the fluid that surrounds your baby causing damage to cells and can increase the chances of birth defects.

#8-You can’t fly while you are pregnant!

This is false.  You are able to fly during your first and second trimester of pregnancy.  You are also able to fly during your third trimester but many airlines will not allow a pregnant woman to fly in their third trimester in case you go into labor on the plane.  This avoids unnecessary emergency landing or ruining the airline seats.

#9-It’s not safe to color your hair during pregnancy!

It is completely safe to color your hair while you are pregnant.  No one has to know that you are not a true blonde.  It is suggested that the fumes from the chemicals in the hair dye can cause nausea, so it is recommended that you be in a well-ventilated room while getting your hair coloured.  In addition, chemicals found in hair dye are not highly toxic and only small amounts would be absorbed into the skin reaching your baby.  Feel free to color your hair.

#10 -Can you tell the sex of your baby If you carry high or low?

They say carrying low is a sign that you are pregnant with a boy, or if you get acne you are pregnant with a girl.  Its been said “a baby girl steals mothers beauty”.  These are urban myths.  How a pregnant woman carries depends on her body structure.  A taller, thinner woman usually carries higher, as a shorter, fuller woman usually will carry lower.  How you carry has no bearing on the sex of your baby.  As well, acne is caused by hormonal chances in the body, not that your baby is a girl stealing your beauty.

#11-It is ok for a pregnant woman to change cat litter!

It is best not to change cat litter while you are pregnant because cat feces can contain a virus called toxoplasmosis.  The virus can be transmitted to the fetus threw the placenta.  This virus can cause birth defects, learning disabilities, visual disabilities and hearing disabilities later on in life.  As don’t forget, the cat steps in the litter box transmitting the virus everywhere he/she walks. 

#12-Using a home Doppler is not safe for the baby

It is completely safe to use a home Doppler to hear your baby’s heart beat at home, as long as you follow the guidelines.  Experts suggest waiting till at least 14 weeks pregnant so it is easier to find the babies heartbeat.  The only concern with using home Doppler’s is the unnecessary stress it may cause if you are not able to find the heartbeat, when everything is fine and normal. 

#13-Having heartburn means your baby will be hairy when born!

This is one of the most talked about and widespread misconceptions of all times.  Having heartburn does not mean that your baby will have a full head of hair when they are born.  The amount of hair depends of genetic factors of both parents. Heartburn during pregnancy is caused by the hormone progesterone.  This hormone causes the relaxation of the muscles, including the esophagus.  When the baby grows, it starts to crowd the stomach causing acid to come up to the esophagus causing heartburn. Take some tums and you’ll be fine.

#14-Heart rate can determine the sex of the baby!

It is suggested that a heart rate above 140bpm that you will have a girl, and if it is under 140bpm you will have a boy.  The truth of the matter is that a normal range for a baby’s heart beat is anywhere between 120 and 160bpm.  The heart beat rate does not have any barring on the sex of the baby.