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10 Things Every New Mom Should Tell Herself EVERYDAY

Posted by admin on September 29, 2015

new mom

10. You will not always be this tired! It might not seem like it now, but eventually your baby will fall into a sleep rhythm. My baby goes back to sleep just fine some nights and I find its ME who is wide awake lol.

9. Your baby wont always be this age, enjoy it while its here. Everyday your baby is rapidly changing and when you look back you will see just how quickly it went by. Remember that when the day seems long and tough.

8. It's OK to NOT know what you are doing! I read all the books and still I struggled with my babies and I really wish I had moms around me at the time to tell me to just relax! Dry, full belly babies sometimes still just cry. If it's like nails on the chalk board like it was for me, try to remember this is a helpless new human trying out their vocal chords. Though the song isn't always pretty, be grateful its you who gets to hear it.

7. The baby crying is not a reflection of your parenting. This one always messed me up. The stares in the grocery store, the days when the baby was just, "fussy." I always felt like I was under a microscope being judged because I couldn't quiet my little one down. Again, see number 8 and if you've done all you can, do one more thing and give yourself a break already.

6. Your baby is not going to break. Delicate and dainty turns into rolling while diaper changes and barfing on your cutest, last clean shirt. Though putting that tiny little arm through the sleeve hole seems terrifying, take it slow and in a couple months you might be wrestling to put a shirt on what seems to be the worlds strongest baby lol!

5. Sometimes little ones just throw up a lot. My daughter didn't throw up at all and her brother after her was non stop. No stomach issue, no formula issue, no over feeding issue and still he puked on all of us a few good times. Everytime I tried to dress up and by that I mean out of my yoga pants...lol everytime without fail, splat! Just roll with it, not in it ;) and keep burp clothes close at all times.

4. Your body needs TIME to bounce back, BE PATIENT! After my last child I was determined to get back into shape fast. My previous pregnancies took about a year, but for some reason I thought I was super woman. I ended up prolonging my recovery time by hurting myself through exercise. Naturally my body took back its shape. My shape being short and plump here and there ;) and I should have been easier on myself.

3. A new baby is an adjustment for BOTH mom AND dad! I admit it, I acted like I knew more when I had my last child, but the truth is every newborn is an individual. So are mom and dad. I was very impatient with my body bounce back. I was inpatient with not being able to have sex with my fiance for a month or so prior to delivery and then having to wait 6 weeks after! I was grumpy and I felt unattractive and I was, well...mean at times. I drove my man nuts! "do you think I'm pretty?" "do you still love me?" Though he always responded with sweetness and love he sat me down one day and said, "you had a baby, why are you being so hard on yourself? Take the time to heal and I will rock your world as soon as I know you are OK." Turned out to be the best wait of my life! ;)

2. You DO deserve time alone, a shower and pampering. Ahh the simple things like having time to poop alone and lol, sorry but its so true! By child #3 I have no problem sneaking into the bathroom to take a very long time brushing my teeth. I willing walk the dog just to get a few minutes to myself. Whenever I can I color my hair at home, get a new trim and paint my nails. Those little things for me went a long way.

1. It is OK and admirable to put your baby down somewhere safe and walk away! Any parent who acts like their baby has not gotten on their last nerve is a liar. Children are very demanding and if you are depleted in your energy you may become even more frustrated. The truth of the matter is, its OK, normal and completely understandable. If it gets to be too much and you need to catch your breath, put your little one in their crib and walk away. Don't go sit by the monitor either, walk away and pretend they are alright and go back in when you are calmer.

#Huffpost writer, Author of the 2006 release BROKEN MOMS and long time mother's rights advocate, #LianaPreble currently resides in New York with her fiance and their 2 little ones. #mommy #cakeeater and #winelover...in that order.